As we reach the end of a very challenging year, Colorín Colorado has put together these reflection questions with the input of a group of veteran ELL educators. We will use these responses to inform our work for the coming year.

Thank you for your hard work this year on behalf of ELLs!

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* 1. What are some examples you can share about any of the following?

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* 2. In terms of your own social-emotional well-being, what are some examples you can share about the following?

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* 3. What word (or words) sums up how you are feeling right now about this past year?

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* 4. What are some hopes and concerns you have for the coming year related to your ELLs and your own work?

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* 5. Little things can create big ripples. What will your ripple be next year?

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* 6. Any other comments?

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* 7. If you would like to be entered in a raffle for a pack of books, please enter your name and email, as well as your choice of book type. Entries must be received by July 9, 2021. (Optional)

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* 8. May we quote your responses anonymously?